«Golden Tea» (Золотой чай)

«Golden tea» (Золотой чай)

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Accelerates metabolism, normalizes metabolic rate, breaks down fats; discharges harmful substances, toxins and slags from the body, cleanses the liver; helps to reduce body weight, lose weight, rejuvenates the skin, improves its structure; helps in various poisoning, including alcohol, perfectly copes with “heavy food”.
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Puer is the legendary tea which has an unusual taste and smell. It is made by complex fermentation which makes the infusion practically opaque, the smell is spicy-earthy, and the taste is soft and sweet.

Puer tea is used for medical purposes for a long time. Even in the Chin dynasty they knew that this tea well removes excess fat when eating and neutralizes the poisonous substances that form in the meat. Cleans the intestines, removes slag and sputum, adds strength to the body, gives a joyful mood, helps the thought process, protects against sclerosis, lowers blood pressure and warms well. Pressed Puer differs from leaf tea with a stronger and thicker infusion, it is stored longer, without losing its useful qualities, and the portioning packing simplifies the preparation of the drink.


Accelerates metabolism, normalizes metabolic rate, breaks down fats; discharges harmful substances, toxins and slags from the body, cleanses the liver; helps to reduce body weight, lose weight, rejuvenates the skin, improves its structure; helps in various poisoning, including alcohol, perfectly copes with “heavy food”; has a diuretic effect; reduces the content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases; strengthens the immune system and improves the resistance to colds; adds strength to the body, gives a joyful mood, helps the thinking process, protects against sclerosis, lowers blood pressure and warms well.


1 stage. Preparation of the tea: Put the dry pressed tea into the kettle and fill it with water. After 10-20 seconds, pour the water out of the kettle to clean the tea from the dust. It helps to open up the tea as much as possible and show its natural taste.

2 stage. Brewing: Now pour the tea again with water, leave to stand for 1-3 minutes and then you can safely pour tea from the kettle into the cup. After brewing Puer, it is necessary to pour tea in another teapot. This should be done in order to stop the tea from infusing, otherwise the taste becomes bitter. Storage conditions: Store in a dry cool place, protecting from direct exposure to light, with air humidity no more than 70%.

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